Over the years the education system has changed.

In 1989 the introduction of a Human Relationships Education programme was investigated and implemented. A School Development Plan was formulated and is reviewed every three years. The Yangan Police Department presented the school with a plaque for "Student of the Year Award". This award is presented on an annual basis on concert night and the recipient is chosen by vote of his/her fellow students.

In the beginning of 1990 a Learning Assistance Programme commenced and many children are benefiting from this programme which is for those with learning difficulties and the gifted and talented. The co-ordinator of this is Bev McCasker, a remedial teacher based at Warwick East State School. Many parents and past parents offer their time to help students under this scheme.

A language other than English (LOTE) was incorporated into the school’s syllabus in 1990. Our current students in Years 4 - 7 study Japanese and have enjoyed cultural interaction with visiting Japanese students.

A budget was introduced in 1991 for inclusion in the SDP (School Development Plan) and a new photocopier was purchased.

In 1994 and AOP (annual operation plan) was put into action with the purchase of a tennis umpire seat. The school set up a laser printer for the network of Macintosh computers making it easier for the printing of many assignments and reports.

Other AOP achievements were:

- Shade cloth sails have been erected over the new playground so there is protection for the children from the sun. This was achieved in the year the Education Department promoted a "Sunsmart" awareness in schools.

- The Years 4 - 7 took part in a Warwick Combined Primary Schools Concert held at the Warwick Town Hall in front of a large audience.

1994 - Clayton Hansen in the new playground with completed sails

When possible tuck shop days are organised throughout the year, with parents preparing lunches.

In 1995 we have been allocated alternative Tuesday mornings for physical education and music sessions with visiting professionals, Alistair Aston and Verity Coleman. this enables our small school to take advantage of sessions which are normally only associated with larger schools, and it will help to identify those children with talent in these areas.